Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cinnamon Almond Truffle Naming Contest

It's time for another truffle naming contest. This new flavor is made with bittersweet chocolate, almond paste and cinnamon in the ganache. On the outside is more bittersweet chocolate and chopped almonds on top. It is not a very sweet truffle, but a very rich truffle that will be enjoyed by those that love dark chocolate.

Now is the fun part for you!

To enter the truffle contest, send an email with your truffle flavor name to Make sure to include your name. Please, limit your entries to 2 per person. I will be taking truffle flavor names until 8pm Wednesday, June 4th.

The contest will be judged by a select group of truffle eaters. The names of the submitters will be kept anonymous to them. I will post the winning entry here on my blog by Friday, June 6th.

The winner of the contest will receive a FREE 10 piece box of this new flavor delivered (if local.) If the winning entry comes from someone out of the local delivery area, that person will be shipped a 10 piece box at the earliest time that shipping is resumed. (Truffles by Emily does not ship in warm weather months.) In the event of multiple entries of a winning flavor, the prize will go to the first person to submit the entry.

One note of advice, the name should give some indication of what flavors the person is about to eat.

Email any questions to

Have fun and good luck!

The Truffle Lady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,

It must be awesome being able to create a product that everyone loves. I have ordered your yummy truffles 3 times and your product and customer service is fabulous.
You are sweet, fun to work with, generous, and gracious. When I need buy gifts for my clients you are at the top of my list of people to call. Thanks again!

Maureen Carrington
"The Refinance Lady"