Tuesday Tip: Enjoying your Chocolate!
Here is the scenario. You are holding an exquisite piece of chocolate in your hand. You are anticipating what it will taste like. You smell it and it starts to talk to you. The smell is giving you the first clue as to it's taste. Now, take this chocolate (preferably a Truffles by Emily truffle) and take a slow bite. Let the chocolate sit on your tongue, so you can fully taste all the flavor and richness your chocolate has to offer. You will find that the initial flavor will be slightly different than the flavor that you taste as it's melting on your tongue and then different from the flavor that you have in your mouth when it is mostly gone (the finish.) Try different flavors and notice how different chocolates will also have a different texture. I love to try other company's truffles and compare how they are using their flavorings. Are they bolder, milder or more subtle? Is the outer shell really hard or does it have a softness to it? Does it taste waxy? Are they using milk, semi-sweet or dark chocolate? How are the flavors combining?
Have fun tasting your chocolate!
Forever Yours in Chocolate!
The Truffle Lady
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