Banana Cream Dream. This name was submitted by Jessica and Cheryl. We had 55 name suggestions. Their suggestion was the 1st entry and the one the judges felt gives the best description of the truffle. It was another hard decision. Some of our other favorites were:
White Chocolate Banana Blossom
Dark 'N Light Banana Split
Banana Yum!
There were several variations on all of these. The name that was suggested the most was: Bananarama. We had one entry from an elementary-school class and an entry by a 4 year old: Banana Cream Daisy.
Thank you to all of you who took the time to participate. Keep checking the blog; there will be another truffle naming contest soon! Feeling like a taste of the new Banana Cream Dream? Check out my website http://www.trufflesbyemily.com/ for information about how you can have some sent to you.
Yours in chocolate,
The Truffle Lady
1 comment:
Banana Cream Dream sounds yummy!
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