Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday Tip: Giving Chocolate

Give a friend, partner, child, parent or stranger a piece of chocolate and watch their face!

Yours in chocolate!

The Truffle Lady

Thursday, October 14, 2010

And the winner is . . .

Hello Delhi submitted by Julie Torem of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Thank you to everyone that took the time to submit truffle names for this new Cardamom truffle. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness and creativity. It was not an easy decision. Some of the other names that we were debating are: Queen Cardamom, Cardayum and Cardamom Contentment.

Yours in chocolate,

The Truffle Lady

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Truffle Naming Contest

The new cardamom truffle is here! It is a smooth truffle made with semi-sweet chocolate and a hint of cardamom. It is decorated with a dab of green glittery sugar dust. It will be introduced with my holiday flavors for November and December, 2010.

Here is how the contest works. Please, send me your truffle name (one name per person). Consider the flavor and please keep the name pithy (not too long.) The contest will run through October 12th and we will announce the winner on October 13th. If you are the winner, you will receive one box of 10 truffles of this new flavor and one box of 4 truffles of your choice. The two boxes will be either shipped or delivered to you depending on your location and at the Chocolatier's discretion.

Email all truffle names to: yummy@TrufflesByEmily.com

Thank you for your participation and good luck!

Yours in chocolate,

The Truffle Lady